Post-Order Analytics
And how to use the Order Lages Page.
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And how to use the Order Lages Page.
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After submitting orders, your orders will appear in the Order logs. You'll get the below details on every order.
Your logs are available to download in a CSV file just by clicking "Export to CSV."
To check outcomes, go to the Order Logs Page. Get there one of two ways:
Click "Orders" from the navbar.
Click "View All" From the Order Blotter on the Order Cockpit.
Once you are on the Order Logs page, you'll see something that looks like this:
View Selection: choose to see Active or Historical Orders
Page Refresh: click here to refresh page information (may auto refresh as well in the background).
Filter by Date: Select ALL orders within a particular time period
Order Action Buttons: PAUSE or STOP an Active Order. Also export order information for Active or Historical orders by clicking Export to CSV.
Order Logs Table: Has brief information for your orders here. By default, these show the Parent orders, and all child txns live within in the Expanded Order Log.
Expanded Order Log: A section that expands any one parent order with subtables.
Order Progress shows the following...
current round number
the last known status — ex: for a Limit Order, it might show "waiting for spot price to match threshold", or if txn costs are higher than your fixed gas cap it might show "Gas price exeeds fixed limit"
Time Elapsed: Time in hours or days since the start of the order
Failed Txns: number of txn failures. The number of acceptable txn failures per order is determined by the number of rounds from the initiation.
Order Rates compares at a high level the actual output after fees versus the expected minimum output after fees based on your input.
Order Settings shows the following...
Gas Strategy & rate if fixed is chosen (note fixed gas cap is displayed with a few extra decimals, only about 9 extra 0s, and a ticket in progress to fix this)
Slippage shows the percentage tolerance
Expiration shows if an order goes-til-close aka "does not expire" or if it has a fixed expiration period
Limit Price or Stop Price shows the threshold from the original order parameters
Actual vs Expected & Delta shows the actual vs expected in much greater depth along with the delta between the original order initiation and the current moment. This is useful for assessing your performance.
Txns by Round shows each transaction with its relevant Etherscan link and the current status of that txn.
When an order is complete it will automatically shift from the Active Orders table to the Historical Orders table.